{"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":1,"episode":1,"title":"And So It Begins","air_date":"2015-06-18","viewers":1.582,"quote":"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately... and see if I could not learn what it had to teach.","author":"Henry David Thoreau","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":175,"description":"Ten survival experts are dropped off in separate and extremely remote locations on Northern Vancouver Island. Equipped with only limited gear, their years of wilderness experience and supplied with cameras to self-document their journeys, the men are completely isolated from one another as they struggle to live in the wild for as long as they can."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":2,"episode":2,"title":"Of Wolf and Man","air_date":"2015-06-25","viewers":1.697,"quote":"If you live among wolves you have to act like a wolf.","author":"Nikita Khrushchev","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":144,"description":"While predators continue to cause problems for a number of the men, water soon becomes a crucial hurdle for others. From fast rising tides to relentless rains, each of the men must adapt to his new environment or tap out and go home. It's the fear of dehydration that plagues one man as another finds his survival threatened along the shoreline by a rogue wave."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":3,"episode":3,"title":"The Talons of Fear","air_date":"2015-07-02","viewers":1.864,"quote":"Extinction is the rule. Survival is the exception.","author":"Carl Sagan","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":133,"description":"After only a short time in the wild, the men find that extreme isolation is beginning to take its toll. A survivalist undertakes a massive cabin project, one man loses his most important tool and another is charged by a large predator leaving him to fend for his life."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":4,"episode":4,"title":"Stalked","air_date":"2015-07-09","viewers":2.082,"quote":"Hunger, love, pain, fear are some of those inner forces which rule the individual's instinct for self preservation.","author":"Albert Einstein","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":135,"description":"As the days pass, the remaining survivalists show signs of cracking. One man battles isolation as another breaks down after missing his daughters 4th birthday. But it's the real dangers of the environment that could spell the end for one participant when he finds himself stalked by a cougar."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":5,"episode":5,"title":"Winds of Hell","air_date":"2015-07-16","viewers":2.082,"quote":"The strong survive, but the courageous triumph.","author":"Michael Scott","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":128,"description":"A punishing storm batters the remaining men and gale force winds rip through their makeshift camps. One survivalist pushes his bush-craft skills to limit trying to find a way to set sail on the turbulent seas."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":6,"episode":6,"title":"Rain of Terror","air_date":"2015-07-23","viewers":2.181,"quote":"Extraordinary people survive under the most terrible circumstances and they become more extraordinary because of it.","author":"Robertson Davies","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":127,"description":"The remaining men are finally adapting to their foreign environment and experimenting with new food sources, but that gamble makes one survivalist violently ill."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":7,"episode":7,"title":"The Hunger","air_date":"2015-07-30","viewers":2.092,"quote":"Humans are not the fastest or the strongest animals on the planet, but when it comes to survival, we have had the unique advantage of being clever.","author":"David Perlmutter","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":126,"description":"In the brutally freezing temperatures the hunt for food becomes the paramount focus of the remaining survivalists. While some find gratifying success; others face complete failure and obstacles that beat them down emotionally and push one man to the brink."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":8,"episode":8,"title":"After the Rescue","air_date":"2015-08-05","quote":"This is the chance in a lifetime. But it's not worth dying over.","author":"Wayne","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":128,"description":"Temperatures plummet on the island and the remaining contestants are forced to face the onset of winter head on."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":9,"episode":9,"title":"The Freeze","air_date":"2015-08-06","viewers":1.803,"quote":"If quick, I survive. If not quick, I am lost. This is 'death.'","author":"Sun Tzu","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":122,"description":"Extreme isolation takes its toll on the remaining participants in the wild. Each man's battle turns to the mind as well as the elements."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":10,"episode":10,"title":"Brokedown Palace","air_date":"2015-08-13","viewers":1.939,"quote":"Does anything in nature despair except man?","author":"May Sarton","imdb_rating":8.2,"n_ratings":132,"description":"Two men remain on Vancouver Island as the storm of the year blows in. The unrelenting elements, isolation and starvation confront both remaining participants, forcing one to go home."} {"version":"US","season":1,"episode_number_overall":11,"episode":11,"title":"Triumph","air_date":"2015-08-20","viewers":2.375,"quote":"Courage is not having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don't have the strength.","author":"Theodore Roosevelt","imdb_rating":7,"n_ratings":100,"description":"The first six men to go home explain their reasons for leaving, plus an exclusive preview of the what's to come for the remaining participants."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":12,"episode":1,"title":"Once More Unto the Breach","air_date":"2016-04-21","viewers":1.52,"quote":"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.","author":"H. P. Lovecraft","imdb_rating":7.3,"n_ratings":105,"n_remaining":10,"description":"The first day of the adventure begins, with 10 people prepared to head out into unknown wilderness and survive for as long as they can, in total isolation. But when the survivalists confront rocky terrain, wet environments, and hungry predators, all of them begin to question their resolve."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":13,"episode":2,"title":"The Knife's Edge","air_date":"2016-04-28","viewers":1.507,"quote":"The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure.","author":"Christopher McCandless","imdb_rating":7.4,"n_ratings":95,"n_remaining":9,"description":"After five days, the nine that remain attempt to acclimate to their new environment and make order out of chaos. Mary Kate seems to be adapting well, as she begins construction on a warmer shelter."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":14,"episode":3,"title":"The Beasts of the Night","air_date":"2016-05-05","viewers":1.637,"quote":"Use your fear... It can take you to a place where you store your courage.","author":"Amelia Earhart","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":91,"n_remaining":9,"description":"After a week on Vancouver Island, several of the participants are finding success. One man turns to his advanced woodworking skills and builds an array of primitive tools."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":15,"episode":4,"title":"Hunger's Grip","air_date":"2016-05-12","viewers":1.579,"quote":"The instinct to survive will never change, neither will the human body's amazing ability to endure.","author":"John 'Lofty' Wiseman","imdb_rating":7.4,"n_ratings":92,"n_remaining":8,"description":"A severe lack of food takes a toll on the remaining participants. Many of them haven't eaten in days and it's beginning to impair their mental and physical capabilities, pushing some to the edge of surrender."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":16,"episode":5,"title":"Storm Rising","air_date":"2016-05-19","viewers":1.751,"quote":"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.","author":"Mahatma Gandhi","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":90,"description":"Despite their best efforts, many of the participants are still battling debilitating hunger and starvation. Just as some find sustenance, an approaching storm threatens their survival plans."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":17,"episode":6,"title":"Adrift","air_date":"2016-05-26","viewers":1.718,"quote":"Voyaging through wildernesses is essential to the growth and maturity of the human spirit.","author":"Steven Callahan","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":91,"description":"Emotions run high for the remaining participants as they struggle to adapt to the hardships of the island. One participant wrestles with the solitude and contemplates tapping out while the other risks it all, taking a perilous journey into the unknown."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":18,"episode":7,"title":"Trial By Fire","air_date":"2016-06-09","viewers":1.597,"quote":"In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.","author":"R.G. Ingersoll","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":85,"description":"Three weeks in, mental and physical struggles take their toll on the remaining participants. While the brutal reality of their situation consumes some, others battle deep conflicts that have them teetering on the edge of calling it quits."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":19,"episode":8,"title":"The Ascent","air_date":"2016-06-16","viewers":1.678,"quote":"Why wilderness? Because we like the taste of freedom, because we like the smell of danger.","author":"Edward Abbey","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":86,"description":"As one participant thrives on the island, the others struggle to improve their situation. One man races to find the salmon run before it ends, another undertakes an epic journey that may be his undoing and yet another tries to combat nature's fury head on."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":20,"episode":9,"title":"The Madness","air_date":"2016-06-23","viewers":1.609,"quote":"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.","author":"Albert Einstein","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":86,"description":"After a month in the bush, nature and seclusion prove tough to handle, while some push to tough it out and others question their ability to last."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":21,"episode":10,"title":"The Gamble","air_date":"2016-06-30","viewers":1.698,"quote":"The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.","author":"Ernest Hemingway","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":86,"description":"The final four contend with mental fatigue and physical exhaustion. As one participant faces stiff competition for fish, another may miss the salmon run due to a potentially disastrous miscalculation."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":22,"episode":11,"title":"Winter's Fury","air_date":"2016-07-07","viewers":1.615,"quote":"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.","author":"Friedrich Nietzsche","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":88,"description":"Winter arrives and the final participants are forced to take risks as food sources dwindle. Between the frigid temperatures and the deepening need for human contact, the lure of home is stronger than ever."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":23,"episode":12,"title":"Into the Abyss","air_date":"2016-07-14","viewers":1.598,"quote":"You're never more alive than when you're almost dead.","author":"Tim O'Brien","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":78,"description":"The remaining participants are worn thin as starvation and isolation become unbearable. One man faces a potentially deadly situation."} {"version":"US","season":2,"episode_number_overall":24,"episode":13,"title":"The End Game","air_date":"2016-07-14","viewers":1.541,"quote":"Endurance is not just the ability to bear a hard thing, but to turn it into glory.","author":"William Barclay","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":88,"description":"In the final days of the competition, the remaining participants battle for supremacy. After pushing their minds and bodies to the breaking point, one claims the $500,000 prize."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":25,"episode":1,"title":"A New Land","air_date":"2016-12-08","viewers":1.245,"quote":"The first virtue in a soldier is endurance; courage is only the second virtue.","author":"Napoleon Bonaparte","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":85,"description":"The adventure begins as ten new participants are abandoned in the remote wilderness of Patagonia to live as long as they possibly can. Faced with the unforgiving terrain of a foreign land and the onset of winter, each must act quickly to adapt to their new environment in order to survive."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":26,"episode":2,"title":"First Blood","air_date":"2016-12-15","viewers":1.499,"quote":"If people think nature is their friend, then they sure don't need an enemy.","author":"Kurt Vonnegut","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":84,"description":"As they venture deeper into their surroundings, the nine remaining survivalists realize that this terrain is unlike anything they've ever experienced. One participant suffers a serious injury."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":27,"episode":3,"title":"Eternal Darkness","air_date":"2016-12-22","viewers":1.543,"quote":"The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure.","author":"Christopher McCandless","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":79,"description":"The remaining participants dig in for the long haul as they begin building their shelters. While some flourish, others fail and one is threatened by an unwanted visitor in the night."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":28,"episode":4,"title":"Outfoxed","air_date":"2016-12-29","viewers":1.732,"quote":"With foxes we must play the fox.","author":"Thomas Fuller","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":79,"description":"A lack of food forces the remaining participants to get creative. One survivalist devises an ingenious method for getting protein while another battles Patagonia's wiliest predator."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":29,"episode":5,"title":"The Lone Wolf","air_date":"2017-01-05","viewers":1.79,"quote":"Fortune always favors the brave, and never helps a man who does not help himself.","author":"P. T. Barnum","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":77,"description":"The remaining participants struggle to adapt to life in Patagonia. One survivor comes face to face with a stealth cat, and another takes on a major build project. As the days go by, one participant tries a novel strategy to outlast everyone else."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":30,"episode":6,"title":"Along Came a Spider","air_date":"2017-01-12","viewers":1.855,"quote":"All that an obstacle does with brave men is, not to frighten them, but to challenge them.","author":"Woodrow Wilson","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":78,"description":"Dangerous challenges wreak havoc on the participants and force most to consider going home. While one is plagued by a potentially life-threatening infection, another battles against serious hypothermia."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":31,"episode":7,"title":"Hungry Beasts","air_date":"2017-01-19","viewers":1.748,"quote":"If you don't hunt it down and kill it, it will hunt you down and kill you.","author":"Flannery O'Connor","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":75,"description":"As winter draws nearer, and fish stop biting, the participants turn to land game to survive the season. But their intended prey turns out to be more clever--and more deadly--than they could imagine."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":32,"episode":8,"title":"Of Feast & Famine","air_date":"2017-01-26","viewers":1.811,"quote":"We are all sentenced to solitary confinement inside our own skins, for life.","author":"Tennessee Williams","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":75,"description":"Winter arrives in full force, and the remaining survivors must deal with rapidly deteriorating conditions. The lack of protein pushes some to new levels of depletion, and the pull to see family is more than some can bear."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":33,"episode":9,"title":"The Point of No Return","air_date":"2017-02-02","viewers":1.864,"quote":"Being alone is scary, but not as scary as feeling alone.","author":"Amelia Earhart","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":72,"description":"The remaining survivalists push themselves to their physical limits as fish becomes scarce. But one participant takes it too far, reaching the breaking point and risking organ failure."} {"version":"US","season":3,"episode_number_overall":34,"episode":10,"title":"Day 87","air_date":"2017-02-09","viewers":2.117,"quote":"I have often marveled at the thin line which separates success from failure.","author":"Ernest Shackleton","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":77,"description":"The remaining participants, short on food, risk death in their attempt to triumph. Only one survivalist will be able to endure the wilds of Patagonia and take home the $500,000 prize."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":35,"episode":1,"title":"Divide and Conquer","air_date":"2017-06-15","viewers":1.715,"quote":"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used.","author":"Hunter S. Thompson","imdb_rating":6.9,"n_ratings":72,"description":"In a new twist, seven family member pairs are dropped miles apart on Northern Vancouver Island and must find each other. To win the $500,000 prize, they must survive the island's unforgiving terrain and deadly predators together."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":36,"episode":2,"title":"Hell on Earth","air_date":"2017-06-22","viewers":1.471,"quote":"The clearest way into the universe is through a forest wilderness","author":"John Muir","imdb_rating":6.9,"n_ratings":70,"description":"As their teammates attempt to set up camp, the hikers find that Vancouver Island's terrain is even more punishing when on the move. The island beats one pair into submission, while another grapples with a devastating accident."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":37,"episode":3,"title":"Margin of Error","air_date":"2017-06-29","viewers":1.54,"quote":"Alone, we can do so little; together we can do so much.","author":"Helen Keller","imdb_rating":7.1,"n_ratings":65,"description":"On Vancouver Island, a seriously injured participant weighs the risks of seeking medical help and sacrificing his shot at $500,000. Danger awaits all participants as predators continue to stalk the island's newest inhabitants."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":38,"episode":4,"title":"The Last Mile","air_date":"2017-07-06","viewers":1.538,"quote":"Without a family, man, alone in the world, trembles with the cold.","author":"Andre Maurois","imdb_rating":7.2,"n_ratings":62,"description":"Desperation sinks in as the hikers struggle to make the final push to their teammates. Exhaustion leads one participant straight into the path of a predator, and into a dangerous confrontation."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":39,"episode":5,"title":"Double or Nothing","air_date":"2017-07-13","viewers":1.434,"quote":"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.","author":"Henry Ford","imdb_rating":7.3,"n_ratings":62,"description":"Now that most teams are reunited, they dive into the difficult task of surviving together and feeding two people. Meanwhile, the final hiker faces a brutal mountain climb that could dash his hopes of ever making it to camp."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":40,"episode":6,"title":"Thicker Than Water","air_date":"2017-07-20","viewers":1.539,"quote":"Men argue. Nature acts.","author":"Voltaire","imdb_rating":7.4,"n_ratings":61,"description":"As Vancouver Island is pummeled by torrential rains, the remaining teams scramble to avoid freezing flood waters. One team attempts a massive construction project that could be their key to survival."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":41,"episode":7,"title":"Hooked","air_date":"2017-07-27","viewers":1.638,"quote":"Either men will learn to live like brothers, or they will die like beasts.","author":"Max Lerner","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":60,"description":"The three remaining teams scramble for a long term advantage. One pair runs themselves ragged with an elaborate shelter build, while another hazards the freezing Pacific waters on their own small craft."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":42,"episode":8,"title":"Flare-Up","air_date":"2017-08-03","viewers":1.459,"quote":"Hell is other people.","author":"Jean-Paul Sartre","imdb_rating":7.4,"n_ratings":59,"description":"After nearly a month on Vancouver Island, the three remaining teams face existential threats at every turn. One participant is forced to fight a raging fire, while rising tensions threaten to end another partnership.After nearly a month on Vancouver Island, the three remaining teams face existential threats at every turn. One participant is forced to fight a raging fire, while rising tensions threaten to end another partnership."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":43,"episode":9,"title":"My Brother's Keeper","air_date":"2017-08-10","viewers":1.41,"quote":"The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.","author":"Phil Jackson","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":59,"description":"As freezing temperatures punish Vancouver Island, the remaining pairs all face game-changing scenarios. One participant is hit with a crippling illness, while another's temper drives a wedge between him and his teammate."} {"version":"US","season":4,"episode_number_overall":44,"episode":10,"title":"Flesh and Blood","air_date":"2017-08-17","viewers":1.378,"quote":"Heroism is endurance for one moment more.","author":"George F. Kennan","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":64,"description":"As time presses on and temperatures drop, the final teams grapple with an unbearable desire to tap out. But the $500,000 prize is hard to give up, and the participants push themselves until one reaches the breaking point."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":46,"episode":1,"title":"Redemption","air_date":"2018-06-14","viewers":1.409,"quote":"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.","author":"F. Scott Fitzgerald","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":83,"description":"Ten survivalists from previous seasons return for redemption and a second chance to win the $500,000 prize. But this time, they face the dangers of Northern Mongolia, a location more wild and more remote than they've ever seen."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":47,"episode":2,"title":"The Haunting","air_date":"2018-06-21","viewers":1.296,"quote":"All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes.","author":"Winston Churchill","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":73,"description":"Participants explore new - and risky - food sources in Mongolia. As the survivalists begin to settle into their new remote surroundings, they realize they're not the only predators on the prowl."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":48,"episode":3,"title":"The Serpent","air_date":"2018-06-28","viewers":1.398,"quote":"It is not the mountains we conquer, but ourselves.","author":"Sir Edmund Hillary","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":73,"description":"The survivalists begin to face external and internal threats as they work to secure food and complete their shelters. One participant comes face-to-face with one of Mongolia's deadliest predators, while another fights to overcome a debilitating health issue."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":49,"episode":4,"title":"Mongolia's Wrath","air_date":"2018-07-05","viewers":1.188,"quote":"Nature, in her untamed state, is savage and unrelenting.","author":"Fennel Hudson","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":66,"description":"Mongolia shows how devastating its climate can be as a monstrous storm assails the remaining survivalists. The participants are forced into their shelters and can only hope they'll hold up to the fierce wind, rain and lightning."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":50,"episode":5,"title":"The Bowels Of Hell","air_date":"2018-07-12","viewers":1.253,"quote":"Over every mountain there is a path, though it may not be seen from the valley.","author":"Theodore Roethke","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":66,"description":"Seven remaining survivalists are pushed to their limits as the weather worsens in Mongolia. One participant makes a bold gamble, turning to tree bark for sustenance, another questions his ability to continue killing for food, and one faces a dangerous predator lurking in the darkness."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":51,"episode":6,"title":"Of Mice And Men","air_date":"2018-07-19","viewers":1.657,"quote":"...we do not own these woods. They own us.","author":"Timothy Goodwin","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":63,"description":"After almost a month of solitude, the remaining participants begin to crack. One survivalist's shelter turns into an unbearable \"green monster,\" while another takes extreme measures waging war on an uninvited guest."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":52,"episode":7,"title":"Desperate Measures","air_date":"2018-07-26","viewers":1.661,"quote":"Redemption can be found in hell itself if that's where you happen to be.","author":"Lin Jensen","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":62,"description":"While some of the survivalists enjoy a bonanza of food, others are driven to increasingly desperate measures to sustain themselves. One hunter braves dangerous heights to stalk his prey, and another turns to one of Mongolia's most revolting food sources."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":53,"episode":8,"title":"Slayer II","air_date":"2018-08-02","viewers":1.35,"quote":"Solitude, isolation are painful things, and beyond human endurance.","author":"Jules Verne","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":60,"description":"As winter draws near, food becomes scarce and the survivalists must catch any game that comes their way, no matter the size. But lack of food isn't the only challenge, as the lack of companionship drives one participant to face his biggest fear."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":54,"episode":9,"title":"Starvation's Shadow","air_date":"2018-08-09","viewers":1.429,"quote":"The mountains are calling and I must go.","author":"John Muir","imdb_rating":8.1,"n_ratings":60,"description":"As food sources disappear, hunger drives the remaining participants to a new low. One attempts a risky climb into wolf territory in search of food and another contends with a potentially game-ending health issue."} {"version":"US","season":5,"episode_number_overall":55,"episode":10,"title":"Cold War","air_date":"2018-08-16","viewers":1.563,"quote":"By endurance we conquer.","author":"Ernest Shackleton","imdb_rating":8.3,"n_ratings":65,"description":"The final remaining participants face the onslaught of Mongolia's brutal winter. Relentless hunger and savage cold test them like never before and in the end, only one will walk away with the $500,000 prize."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":56,"episode":1,"title":"Icebreaker","air_date":"2019-06-06","viewers":1.153,"quote":"Our food lies ahead and death stalks us from behind.","author":"Ernest Shackleton","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":101,"description":"Ten new survivalists have a chance to win $500,000 by enduring the coldest location in the history of Alone: The Arctic. Participants grapple with a harsh storm out of the gate."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":57,"episode":2,"title":"Tainted","air_date":"2019-06-13","viewers":1.281,"quote":"Laws change; people die; the land remains.","author":"Abraham Lincoln","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":88,"description":"As they close in on the one week mark, the survivalists make some risky choices in order to eat. Serious infection becomes a very real possibility, driving one participant to consider pulling out early."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":58,"episode":3,"title":"Up In Flames","air_date":"2019-06-20","viewers":1.321,"quote":"This is no time for ease and comfort. It is the time to dare and endure.","author":"Winston Churchill","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":84,"description":"The remaining survivalists start seeing their hard work pay off as they procure food, but as the days mount and the isolation continues, contestants start to notice the physical and mental toll of surviving arctic."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":59,"episode":4,"title":"The Moose","air_date":"2019-06-27","viewers":1.439,"quote":"A failure is not always a mistake... The real mistake is to stop trying.","author":"B.F. Skinner","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":79,"description":"The survivalists get serious about hunting before the wildlife starts to disappear for the winter. One participant finally has a chance to make Alone history by taking down big game, while another is set back by a nasty puncture wound."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":60,"episode":5,"title":"The Kill","air_date":"2019-07-11","viewers":1.168,"quote":"For suffering and enduring there is no remedy but striving and doing.","author":"Thomas Carlyle","imdb_rating":8.4,"n_ratings":84,"description":"While most of the participants pursue smaller, more consistent food sources, one survivalist finally has the chance to take down big game; he soon finds himself attracting unwanted attention from predators."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":61,"episode":6,"title":"Ablaze","air_date":"2019-07-18","viewers":1.168,"quote":"The most difficult thing is the decision to act. The rest is merely tenacity.","author":"Amelia Earhart","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":76,"description":"As they approach the one month mark, the participants' survival is threatened by new factors. One contestant is forced to defend themselves from a huge predator. Another risks losing their shelter in a horrible accident. And another struggles with the most challenging element of them all: being totally alone."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":62,"episode":7,"title":"Night Raider","air_date":"2019-07-25","viewers":1.141,"quote":"Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance.","author":"Virgil","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":67,"description":"As winter closes in, the participants are threatened by predators looking to steal their precious food stores. As the survivalists rethink their strategies, one makes a stand by confronting the Arctic's most ferocious creature."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":63,"episode":8,"title":"Out Cold","air_date":"2019-08-01","viewers":1.068,"quote":"He who conquers others is strong. He who conquers himself is mighty.","author":"Lao Tzu","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":63,"description":"The remaining survivalists begin feeling the effects of starvation. One participant fights to stay in the competition as her body starts to give out, while another, who has an abundance of food, shockingly continues to lose weight."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":64,"episode":9,"title":"The Ice Cometh","air_date":"2019-08-08","viewers":0.989,"quote":"Wisdom comes alone through suffering.","author":"Aeschylus","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":65,"description":"As the weather gets colder and even less forgiving, the participants struggle to obtain basic resources. One participant continues to lose weight at a rapid and deadly pace, while another continues to be harassed by ruthless predators. Another contestant wakes one morning to a grave discovery and realizes that the Arctic winter has only just begun."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":65,"episode":10,"title":"Thin Ice","air_date":"2019-08-15","viewers":1.358,"quote":"Adapt or perish, now as ever, is nature's inexorable imperative.","author":"H.G. Wells","imdb_rating":8.2,"n_ratings":67,"description":"As temperatures drop to the lowest point yet, the lake freezes, cutting off resources and threatening the safety of the survivalists. Each participant's grit and resourcefulness is tested by the unrelenting cold, causing one survivalist to hit their breaking point much sooner than expected."} {"version":"US","season":6,"episode_number_overall":66,"episode":11,"title":"Fire and Ice","air_date":"2019-08-22","viewers":1.384,"quote":"One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.","author":"Sigmund Freud","imdb_rating":8.8,"n_ratings":88,"description":"The final participants continue their fight for the $500,000 prize. They must face down starvation, punishing cold, thieving predators, and a devastating catastrophe, but in the end, only one emerges victorious."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":67,"episode":1,"title":"Million Dollar Mistake","air_date":"2020-06-11","viewers":1.127,"quote":"Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.","author":"Aristotle","imdb_rating":8.1,"n_ratings":105,"description":"Ten new participants last 100 days in the Arctic to win $1 million, and they must overcome the first hurdle, which includes facing a variety of predators."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":68,"episode":2,"title":"The Rock House","air_date":"2020-06-18","viewers":1.285,"quote":"Fortitude is the marshal of thought, the armor of the will, and the fort of reason.","author":"Francis Bacon","imdb_rating":8.2,"n_ratings":98,"description":"In order to endure the Arctic for 100 days, the participants start building shelters that can make it for the long haul; they turn their attention to procuring food, inadvertently drawing the attention of dangerous predators."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":69,"episode":3,"title":"That Was No Bunny","air_date":"2020-06-25","viewers":1.251,"quote":"Life is a walk through the forest. Don't fear the trees; fear what lurks behind them.","author":"Richelle E. Goodrich","imdb_rating":8.2,"n_ratings":92,"description":"As they enter the second week of the competition, the participants focus on fishing to provide a long term food source. One participant experiences a frightening accident, while another comes face-to-face with a million dollar meal ticket."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":70,"episode":4,"title":"The Fly","air_date":"2020-07-02","viewers":1.362,"quote":"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.","author":"Hippocrates","imdb_rating":8.1,"n_ratings":95,"description":"Participants begin successfully procuring food, but still find themselves vulnerable to the Arctic's many dangers. A sudden illness attacks one participant, while another is tormented by a tiny invader."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":71,"episode":5,"title":"The Rock","air_date":"2020-07-09","viewers":1.374,"quote":"Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.","author":"John Wooden","imdb_rating":8.2,"n_ratings":85,"description":"Faced with choppy waters and brazen predators, the participants must shift strategies or starve. One sets his sights on big game."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":72,"episode":6,"title":"The Musk Ox","air_date":"2020-07-16","viewers":1.332,"quote":"Chaos was the law of nature; Order was the dream of man.","author":"Henry Adams","imdb_rating":8.6,"n_ratings":94,"description":"After some of the participants are raided by predators, they scramble to protect their hard-won food. Winter moves in, bringing with it new opportunities for those who are prepared, and new threats for those who aren't."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":73,"episode":7,"title":"Snared","air_date":"2020-07-23","viewers":1.274,"quote":"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.","author":"Franklin D. Roosevelt","imdb_rating":8.3,"n_ratings":84,"description":"Local predators continue harassing the participants and they must adapt and innovate if they hope to survive. One is forced to make a hard decision when an unexpected catch turns up."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":74,"episode":8,"title":"Up In Smoke","air_date":"2020-07-30","viewers":1.252,"quote":"To survive it is often necessary to fight and to fight you have to dirty yourself.","author":"George Orwell","imdb_rating":8.4,"n_ratings":87,"description":"One survivalist rushes to prevent their shot at a million dollars from going up in smoke. Another struggles to complete their shelter in time for winter, while another must defend their territory from an unwelcome visitor."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":75,"episode":9,"title":"The Wolves","air_date":"2020-08-06","viewers":1.237,"quote":"Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers but to be fearless in facing them.","author":"Rabindranath Tagore","imdb_rating":8.5,"n_ratings":88,"description":"There be wolves. And the joyous reactions of success. Also too much sometimes can be dangerous."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":76,"episode":10,"title":"Pins and Needles","air_date":"2020-08-13","viewers":1.546,"quote":"Fate leads the willing, and drags along the reluctant.","author":"Seneca","imdb_rating":8.6,"n_ratings":83,"description":"As winter advances, it becomes increasingly difficult to procure food. One participant gets a lucky break but soon discovers things aren't what they seem. While another's Arctic adventure comes to an explosive finish."} {"version":"US","season":7,"episode_number_overall":77,"episode":11,"title":"Over the Edge","air_date":"2020-08-20","viewers":1.335,"quote":"The best way out is always through.","author":"Robert Frost","imdb_rating":8.6,"n_ratings":105,"n_remaining":3,"description":"With only three survivalists left, the million-dollar challenge comes to an end. The participants face off against below zero temperatures, injury and their own mental demons as they fight to make it to day 100 and win the prize."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":78,"episode":1,"title":"The Hunted","air_date":"2021-06-03","viewers":1.338,"quote":"The worst cruelty that can be inflicted on a human being is isolation.","author":"Sukarno","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":114,"description":"Ten new participants brave Alone's most terrifying location yet in pursuit of $500,000. One participant is forced to make a life-or-death decision, and all must contend with Chilko Lake's deadliest predator: the grizzly bear."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":79,"episode":2,"title":"Open Season","air_date":"2021-06-10","viewers":1.561,"quote":"True wilderness can still be found, but it's hard to reach and dangerous when you get there.","author":"Michelle Paver","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":80,"description":"More participants begin their fight against the land's harsh conditions and its abundant grizzly population; one survivalist builds a unique shelter, while another tests their might against the treacherous waters of Chilko Lake."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":80,"episode":3,"title":"Chewed Up","air_date":"2021-06-17","viewers":1.396,"quote":"It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare; it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.","author":"Seneca","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":80,"description":"Participants continue to find unique ways to find food. One participant is afraid they have eaten a poisonous plant."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":81,"episode":4,"title":"Far From Home","air_date":"2021-06-24","viewers":1.419,"quote":"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.","author":"Franklin D. Roosevelt","imdb_rating":7.4,"n_ratings":83,"description":"The mental toll of isolation begins to inflict hurt on the participant's minds. While one participant is in a stand-off, another is emotionally unstable from the isolation."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":82,"episode":5,"title":"The Buck","air_date":"2021-07-01","viewers":1.406,"quote":"Only by going alone in silence, without baggage, can one truly get into the heart of the wilderness.","author":"John Muir","imdb_rating":7.4,"n_ratings":73,"description":"As the reality of the challenge becomes apparent, and food sources become scarce, one participant sets his eyes on bigger game, while the impossibility of the challenge is realized by another."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":83,"episode":6,"title":"Smoked","air_date":"2021-07-08","viewers":1.362,"quote":"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.","author":"Robert Collier","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":69,"description":"The remaining participants fight to protect their food supplies as they face continued pressure; one survivalist's shelter poses a serious threat, while another's health takes a consequential hit."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":84,"episode":7,"title":"Surrounded","air_date":"2021-07-15","viewers":1.705,"quote":"In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences.","author":"Robert Green Ingersoll","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":63,"description":"As they reach a month in the wild, winter weather raises the stakes for each participant. An unwavering grizzly causes one competitor to prepare for battle, and another's desperate attempt for food suddenly turns life-threatening."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":85,"episode":8,"title":"The Grizzly","air_date":"2021-07-22","viewers":1.507,"quote":"I think nature's imagination is so much greater than man's, she's never going to let us relax.","author":"Richard Feyman [sic]","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":70,"description":"Prying wildlife continue to stalk the remaining competitors, threatening their food and their safety. One participant finds a grizzly too close to home, while another is unprepared when their health takes an unexpected turn for the worse."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":86,"episode":9,"title":"The Troll","air_date":"2021-08-05","quote":"We have nowhere else to go… This is all we have.","author":"Margaret Mead","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":49,"description":"As the challenge comes down to the final four participants, Chilko lake continues its onslaught on those struggling to survive."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":87,"episode":10,"title":"All In","air_date":"2021-08-12","quote":"Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances would have lain dormant.","author":"Horace","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":50,"description":"While some participants continue to work on new ideas to gain calories, others hunker down to try and last as long as they can. With the struggle to get food this late in the competition, the threat of being pulled out is even more real."} {"version":"US","season":8,"episode_number_overall":88,"episode":11,"title":"The Reckoning","air_date":"2021-08-19","quote":"The rewards for those who persevere far exceed the pain that must precede the victory.","author":"Ted Engstrom","imdb_rating":8.1,"n_ratings":64,"description":"With only 3 left in the competition, the participants struggle to claim the $500,000 prize. While some continue to deal with the mental game, a new predator threatens a survivalist's longevity."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":90,"episode":1,"title":"Drop Shock","air_date":"2022-05-26","quote":"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.","author":"Lao Tzu","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":80,"description":"Ten new participants return to the History Channel's #1 summer survival series. In Big River, Labrador, the participants face the stalking predator, the Polar bear."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":91,"episode":2,"title":"Consequences","air_date":"2022-06-02","quote":"Don't feel entitled to anything you didn't sweat and struggle for.","author":"Marian Wright Edelman","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":58,"description":"As hunger rapidly sets in, the remaining participants rush to get familiar with the land and do whatever it takes to secure food. One survivalist thinks outside the box for dinner, while another struggles and makes a costly mistake."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":92,"episode":3,"title":"The Law of the Land","air_date":"2022-06-09","quote":"The future depends on what we do in the present.","author":"Mahatma Gandhi","imdb_rating":7.4,"n_ratings":58,"description":"As Labrador's winter draws near, the participants split their time between building permanent shelters and getting food. Participants struggle and one allows an opportunity to slip through their fingers; one braces for a deadly encounter."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":93,"episode":4,"title":"The Beaver","air_date":"2022-06-16","quote":"It's on the strength of observation and reflection that one finds a way.","author":"Claude Monet","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":57,"description":"As they continue to settle into their new surroundings, the participants aim to procure food for the long haul; one survivalist risks hypothermia by entering the Labrador waters while another realizes they bit off more than they can chew."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":94,"episode":5,"title":"The Land Giveth…","air_date":"2022-06-23","quote":"One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning.","author":"James Russell Lowell","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":48,"description":"The participants continue to look for new ways to hunt, but also to preserve their food sources. One survivalist leans heavily on a taxing shelter build, while another pauses their own work for some much needed sustenance."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":95,"episode":6,"title":"The Weasel","air_date":"2022-06-30","quote":"Success does not consist in never making mistakes but in never making the same one a second time.","author":"George Bernard Shaw","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":28,"description":"As the participants close in on the first thirty days, the lack of food and the desire to go home grows stronger. The competitors continue to make each opportunity for food count. The need for preservation has one getting creative."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":96,"episode":7,"title":"The Birds","air_date":"2022-07-07","quote":"And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.","author":"John Muir","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":26,"description":"As some participants find success hunting, the prospects of a long stay increase. One survivalist's unexpected discovery becomes a boon in the right hands, while another seeks a creative way to make their food last."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":97,"episode":8,"title":"Gut Feeling","air_date":"2022-07-14","quote":"Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.","author":"Edgar Allen Poe [sic]","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":28,"description":"As resilience and strength are put to the ultimate test, the remaining participants look to the past for answers; one survivalist takes a dangerous fall; another suffers pains that seems to only get disastrously worse."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":98,"episode":9,"title":"The Ice Up","air_date":"2022-07-21","quote":"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn.","author":"Harriet Beecher Stowe","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":28,"description":"As the river begins its freeze, the participants suffer from major setbacks as they try to survive. A missed opportunity pushes one survivalist to the edge, just as another continues their track record of success."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":99,"episode":10,"title":"Winter's Grasp","air_date":"2022-07-28","quote":"Solitude was my only consolation - deep, dark, deathlike solitude.","author":"Mary Shelley","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":25,"description":"A fierce snow storm wreaks havoc on the remaining survivalists; one participant attempts to warm their shelter, while another struggles with their health as the weather piles on."} {"version":"US","season":9,"episode_number_overall":100,"episode":11,"title":"Fight, Flight or Freeze","air_date":"2022-08-04","quote":"Out of difficulties grow miracles.","author":"Jean de La Bruyère","imdb_rating":8.3,"n_ratings":31,"description":"The remaining three participants continue to battle Labrador's harsh snowstorms and below-freezing temperatures. As their minds and bodies are pushed to the limit, they struggle more than ever before."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":101,"episode":1,"title":"Game On","air_date":"2023-06-08","quote":"The pathway to glory is rough, and many gloomy hours obscure it.","author":"Chief Black Hawk","imdb_rating":8.2,"n_ratings":60,"description":"Ten new participants compete to win $500,000 in the show's most remote location yet, northern Saskatchewan; as the survivalists set out into the wilderness searching for food and shelter, one participant makes a costly mistake."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":102,"episode":2,"title":"Ties that Bind","air_date":"2023-06-15","quote":"Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.","author":"Sun Tzu","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":41,"description":"As the survivalists struggle to find their footing, signs of winter's onslaught motivates them to put their plans into action; some claim their first victories, while one participant grapples an unexpected issue."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":103,"episode":3,"title":"Growing Pains","air_date":"2023-06-22","quote":"Going to the mountains is going home.","author":"John Muir","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":39,"description":"As the participants get past the shock of being dropped in the wild, the ability to think outside the box proves fruitful to some but a detriment to others; some grapple with the choice between building a shelter and securing food."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":104,"episode":4,"title":"Lake of Theives","air_date":"2023-06-29","quote":"We first make our habits, then our habits make us.","author":"John Dryden","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":41,"description":"As the participants finally get into a rhythm, loneliness begins to settle in for the survivalists; one seemingly small choice proves to be a disastrous mistake for one participant, while another has an encounter with a vicious predator."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":105,"episode":5,"title":"Spirit Bears","air_date":"2023-07-06","quote":"The art of life is a constant readjustment our surroundings.","author":"Okakura Kakuzo","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":39,"description":"The survivalists find themselves pivoting as new challenges test their strength; one participant loses a valuable resource, while another is pushed to their absolute limit."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":106,"episode":6,"title":"King's Gambit","air_date":"2023-07-13","quote":"When patterns are broken, new worlds emerge.","author":"Tuli Kupferberg","imdb_rating":7.6,"n_ratings":39,"description":"A sudden shift in weather tests the strength of the survivalist's shelters, as well as their resolve; unable to exit their shelters, one survivalist carves out creative ways to pass the time while another struggles to cope."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":107,"episode":7,"title":"Aftermath","air_date":"2023-07-20","quote":"We may encounter defeats, but we must not be defeated.","author":"Maya Angelou","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":38,"description":"Reeling from a storm, the remaining participants continue to deal with the consequences of their actions; one survivalist's food supply is threatened, while another reveals a secret that jeopardizes their chances of winning."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":108,"episode":8,"title":"Infestation","air_date":"2023-07-27","quote":"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other.","author":"Walter Elliot","imdb_rating":7.5,"n_ratings":39,"description":"As winter rapidly approaches, the survivalists struggle to keep up with the demands of solitary living; one participant struggles with nocturnal invaders, and another reaches a breaking point."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":109,"episode":9,"title":"Splintered","air_date":"2023-08-03","quote":"Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.","author":"Andre Malraux","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":37,"description":"Winter descends upon the survivalists, forcing them to adapt to the drop in temperatures. With the snow comes a rush of emotion and the participants are tested in their resolve to keep working towards the $500,000 prize."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":110,"episode":10,"title":"Rats","air_date":"2023-08-10","quote":"We must embrace pain and burn it as fuel for our journey.","author":"Kenji Miyazawa","imdb_rating":7.9,"n_ratings":36,"description":"As the remaining survivalists near day 50, conditions at Reindeer Lake intensify. Desperation rises as the temperatures continue to drop, and personal demons bubble to the surface."} {"version":"US","season":10,"episode_number_overall":111,"episode":11,"title":"By Any Means","air_date":"2023-08-17","quote":"Buck up, do your damnedest, and fight.","author":"Robert Service","imdb_rating":8.2,"n_ratings":44,"description":"The three remaining survivalists brace themselves for the fight to the finish. Though they all push themselves to their limits, only one can claim the $500,000 prize."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":112,"episode":1,"title":"Enter the Circle","air_date":"2024-06-13","quote":"For a man to conquer himself is the first and noblest of all victories.","author":"Plato","imdb_rating":7,"n_ratings":100,"n_remaining":10,"day_start":1,"description":"The first six men to go home explain their reasons for leaving, plus an exclusive preview of the what's to come for the remaining participants."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":113,"episode":2,"title":"Opportunity Cost","air_date":"2024-06-20","quote":"When opportunity comes, it's too late to prepare.","author":"John Wooden","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":32,"n_remaining":10,"day_start":1,"description":"Participants are met with an abundance of challenges. When opportunity presents itself to the participants, will they be able to capitalize on the moment? One participant loses a critical item, another embarks on the hunt of a lifetime."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":114,"episode":3,"title":"Fortune","air_date":"2024-06-27","quote":"In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.","author":"John Muir","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":30,"n_remaining":10,"day_start":3,"description":"Between the fast-approaching Arctic Winter and hunger setting in, the participants double down on their efforts for survival; procuring food becomes an urgent necessity after survivalists go days without nourishment."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":115,"episode":4,"title":"Legacy","air_date":"2024-07-11","quote":"There is no education like adversity.","author":"Benjamin Disraeli","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":34,"n_remaining":8,"day_start":8,"description":"Survivalists face new challenges and opportunities in week two, battling to stay focused. Unwelcome visitors raid some, while one competitor gets another chance at a life-changing opportunity."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":116,"episode":5,"title":"Something in the Air","air_date":"2024-07-18","quote":"If we believe that tomorrow will be better, we can bear a hardship today.","author":"Thich Nhat Hanh","imdb_rating":8.3,"n_ratings":31,"n_remaining":7,"day_start":14,"description":"As the season begins to change, one participant is forced to take on a massive and risky project. Meanwhile, a pack of wolves interrupts the tranquility of the Arctic night and spells trouble for one survivalist."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":117,"episode":6,"title":"Murphy's Law","air_date":"2024-07-25","quote":"Little by little, a little becomes a lot.","author":"Tanzanian proverb","imdb_rating":7.7,"n_ratings":25,"n_remaining":6,"day_start":19,"description":"Competition continues to drain the survivalists, they soon face a reckoning with the strategies they've implemented. All of them seem to be teetering over the edge, though one survivalist is overwhelmed by their frustrating performance."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":118,"episode":7,"title":"One Pike at a Time","air_date":"2024-08-01","quote":"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced.","author":"James Baldwin","imdb_rating":8,"n_ratings":26,"n_remaining":5,"day_start":23,"description":"The call of home grows stronger as the harsh realities of remote Arctic living set in for some participants. One survivalist finally gets their chance at big game, while another is caught off guard by a false sense of security."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":119,"episode":8,"title":"The Marten Chronicles","air_date":"2024-08-08","quote":"In every conceivable manner, the family is link to our past, bridge to our future.","author":"Alex Haley","imdb_rating":7.8,"n_ratings":26,"n_remaining":4,"day_start":30,"description":"Amidst shifting weather, survivalists face dwindling foraging prospects. One grows bewildered as Arctic conditions change, while another seizes an unexpected second chance."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":120,"episode":9,"title":"The Wormhole","air_date":"2024-08-15","quote":"In a completely sane world, madness is the only freedom.","author":"J.G. Ballard","imdb_rating":8.5,"n_ratings":24,"n_remaining":4,"day_start":40,"description":"Food scarcity intensifies as only four survivalists remain. One has their harvest stolen, while another falls ill from an unfortunate incident."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":121,"episode":10,"title":"Symphony of Solitude","air_date":"2024-08-22","quote":"First fight. Then fiddle.","author":"Gwendolyn Brooks","imdb_rating":8.5,"n_ratings":20,"n_remaining":3,"day_start":54,"description":"As the river finally begins to freeze, the remaining survivalists struggle with the loss of daylight. One participant's snare line gets stalked by a vicious predator, while another devises a plan to defeat a longstanding enemy."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":122,"episode":11,"title":"Collapse","air_date":"2024-08-29","quote":"Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow, it empties today of its strength.","author":"Corrie Ten Boom","imdb_rating":8.4,"n_ratings":12,"n_remaining":3,"day_start":65,"description":"The Arctic's frozen landscape continues to push the survivalists to the brink; as predators continue to stalk under the cover of darkness, the participants struggle to keep their wits about them; one survivalist is at risk of frostbite."} {"version":"US","season":11,"episode_number_overall":123,"episode":12,"title":"Into the Dark","air_date":"2024-08-29","quote":"A man with outward courage dares to die; a man with inner courage dares to live.","author":"Lao Tzu","imdb_rating":8.4,"n_ratings":12,"n_remaining":3,"day_start":75,"description":"The Arctic's frozen landscape continues to push the survivalists to the brink; as predators continue to stalk under the cover of darkness, the participants struggle to keep their wits about them; one survivalist is at risk of frostbite."} {"version":"US Frozen","season":1,"episode_number_overall":1,"episode":1,"title":"50 Day Freeze","air_date":"2022-08-11","n_remaining":6,"day_start":1} {"version":"US Frozen","season":1,"episode_number_overall":2,"episode":2,"title":"Frost Bound","air_date":"2022-08-18","n_remaining":5,"day_start":1} {"version":"US Frozen","season":1,"episode_number_overall":3,"episode":3,"title":"The Edge","air_date":"2022-08-25"} {"version":"US Frozen","season":1,"episode_number_overall":4,"episode":4,"title":"Bone Cold","air_date":"2022-09-01"} {"version":"US Frozen","season":1,"episode_number_overall":5,"episode":5,"title":"Outfoxed","air_date":"2022-09-15"} {"version":"US Frozen","season":1,"episode_number_overall":6,"episode":6,"title":"On Thin Ice","air_date":"2022-09-15"} {"version":"US Frozen","season":1,"episode_number_overall":7,"episode":7,"title":"The Last Hope","air_date":"2022-09-22"} {"version":"US Frozen","season":1,"episode_number_overall":8,"episode":8,"title":"The Bitter End","air_date":"2022-09-22"} {"version":"AU","season":1,"episode_number_overall":1,"episode":1,"title":"Episode 1","air_date":"2023-03-29","viewers":0.761,"quote":"Travellers, there is no path. 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